We have decided to cancel CAMOM's Fall 2021 Consignment Sale to keep our community safe as the Delta variant expands in Maryland.
As a safer alternative, the Sales Committee will host an outdoor drop-off event for FUNDrive on the same date and location, September 18, 2021, from 10am-2pm, at Lincoln Tech. We will be collecting mainly soft goods (clothing, shoes & belts, handbags & backpacks, sheets & blankets, towels, tablecloths & curtains, etc.)
The consignment sales have historically been our largest fundraiser and we will be shifting funds allocated to the Fall 2021 Sale to other member resources. Donations are always accepted at camom.org/Donate.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email info@camom.org. To our current sellers, thank you for all the work you've already put into the Fall sale. To our hard working Board volunteers, thank you for all the time and creative ways you have brainstormed to make a sale feasible despite our COVID limitations. We hope to be able to hold a safe and successful sale in the spring!
Thank you,
Krista MacGahan and Maria Strohmayer